Shop Transformer

Tags: Virtual Reality, avatar, e-commerce, VR architectural experience
Time:  3 days (2023)

Using Prada Transformer by OMA as the environment, this prototype tests a few features in the VR shopping application, including:
  • Item browsing 
  • Outfits try-on & swapping with avatar
  • VR scene changing
  • Controller Interactions (poking, teleporting, distance grabbing)

Git Page
Softwares: Unity, Jetbrains Rider (C#), Rhino
Tech Specification:
  • Unity Engine [2022.2.17f1]
  • XR Interaction Toolkit [2.3.1]
  • Oculus XR Plugin [3.3.0]
  • OpenXR Plugin [1.7.0]
  • Universal Render Pipeline [14.0.7]
  • XR Plugin Management [4.3.3]
  • ReadyPlayerMe Avatar Loader [1.3.2]
  • ReadyPalyerMe Core [1.3.1]
  • ReadyPlayerMe WebView [1.2.0]
  • Animation Rigging [1.2.1]

Prototype Demo