Tags: Housing, Academic Work, Group project
Location: Bronx, New York
Time: one semester (FALL 2019 Housing Studio)
Critic: Adam Frampton (Only-if)

In this project, we reimagined the NYCHA project by extending the public realms from ground level to rooftop.

NYCHA Housing, influenced by Le Corbusier’s model “Towers in the Park”, has never realized what he visioned in a Modernism ideal. Its failure was partly due to income and racial segregation during the postwar period. Architecturally, it also simplifies the need for living to light and air and neglects the design and maintenance of shared spaces.
However, with the active public spaces, “Towers in the Park” will no longer be “a machine for living” envisioned by architects. It is a community for the tower residents and surrounding neighbors.

In collaboration with U Kei Long

Softwares: Rhino, Vray, Illustrator, Photoshop